Read a great article by Louis Rodolico for the Times of San Diego.
It reiterates how the short-term De Anza improvement project will clean up the site, improve coastal camping access in the short-term and accelerate the City’s long-term plans for the area, creating a win-win for people and wildlife.

Here’s an excerpt:

Opinion: Back Campland on the Bay, and Help Conservancy Groups Rewild Marshland

On June 4, Pierre Saladin, a representative of the City of San Diego’s Real Estate Assets Department, and Campland representative Jacob Gelfand made presentations describing how Campland on the Bay is proposing to spend $8 million to improve the southern section of the De Anza Peninsula.

These took place at the Mission Bay Park Committee meeting at the Santa Clara Point Recreation Center.

The existing management company has given the city notice that it intends to terminate its agreement June 30. Campland has proposed improvements that include asbestos abatement and repairs to roads, bike paths, sidewalks, and utility pedestals. It is a four-year proposal with the possibility of a one-year extension if all the improvements are completed in two years.

. . . . Read the entire article.