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In response to this public outcry, a special Ad Hoc committee was formed to hear further public input on the De Anza Natural Plan. The committee comprises three San Diego Parks & Recreation Board Members, three Mission Bay Park Committee members, and a representative from the Mission Bay Lessees Association.

On Tuesday, June 20, they will focus on two of these organizations:

1.          Campland on the Bay

2.          Mission Bay Boat & Ski Club

We really need the support of our Friends of Campland members at this meeting.  We’ll keep you posted on the details.  Please hold the date if you can attend.

Recently, both the San Diego Parks & Recreation Board and the Mission Bay Park Committee hosted meetings regarding the City’s De Anza Natural Plan.  To their surprise, the public showed up in droves for these meetings and joined our Friends of Campland members to express concerns about the plan and the need to preserve recreation and camping options for families.

We will need your presence and volunteers to speak and let this committee know:

  • How important Campland on the Bay is to you
  • Why they need to make sure the same amount of camping is protected in any new plans.

Wear your Friends of Campland shirts.  If you don’t have one, we will have them available for free before the meeting.

WHERE:  Paradise Point Resort, the Sunset Room

1440 Vacation Road, San Diego

TIME:       6:00 PM

We Need Speakers

We need volunteers to speak and tell the committee why Campland is so important to you and why they need to keep the same amount of waterfront camping along Mission Bay. Please consider speaking if you can.

Please come early if you plan on speaking so you can turn in a speaker form.

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